Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Lola the Dog

Lola - Loved by Ashleigh Brennan

Dog - aged 9

Passed 26/06/2023

Sky the Dog

Sky - Loved by Ashleigh Brennan

Dog - aged 8

Passed 08/03/2022

Roxy the Dog

Roxy - Loved by Russell McNab

Dog - aged 5

Passed 05/06/2023

rolo the Dog

rolo - Loved by Ian Rowlinson

Dog - aged 13

Passed 17/06/2023

Tilly the Dog

Tilly - Loved by Nicola J Rutherford

Dog - aged 13

Passed 13/06/2023

Buddy the Dog

Buddy - Loved by Moore Family

Dog - aged 14

Passed 02/06/2023

Puss Puss the Cat

Puss Puss - Loved by Dagmara Corrigan

Cat - aged 15

Passed 09/06/2023

Rosie the Cat

Rosie - Loved by Michelle Freel

Cat - aged 3

Passed 30/05/2023

Buddy Moore the Dog

Buddy Moore - Loved by Moore Family

Dog - aged 14

Passed 02/06/2023

Missy the Dog

Missy - Loved by Louise Grant

Dog - aged 8

Passed 03/06/2023

Harley the Rabbit

Harley - Loved by Nichola Edwards

Rabbit - aged 2

Passed 31/05/2023

Lola Ritchie the Dog

Lola Ritchie - Loved by Rachael Ritchie

Dog - aged 5

Passed 26/05/2023