Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Myla Tod the Dog

Myla Tod - Loved by Rebekah Pringle

Dog - aged 11

Passed 07/11/2023

Millie the Dog

Millie - Loved by Emily Durrant

Dog - aged 13

Passed 07/11/2023

Max Boyd the Dog

Max Boyd - Loved by Lorraine J Boyd

Dog - aged 11

Passed 03/11/2023

Bruno Davison the Dog

Bruno Davison - Loved by Julie Davison

Dog - aged 9

Passed 27/10/2023

Bruno the Dog

Bruno - Loved by Julie Davison

Dog - aged 9

Passed 27/10/2023

Alfie the Dog

Alfie - Loved by James Lang

Dog - aged 9

Passed 02/11/2023

Chino the Dog

Chino - Loved by Catt Carr

Dog - aged 4

Passed 16/10/2023

Mia the Dog

Mia - Loved by Kenneth cunningham

Dog - aged 14

Passed 30/10/2023

Elvis the Cat

Elvis - Loved by Karly Ashworth

Cat - aged 8

Passed 27/10/2023

Louie the Dog

Louie - Loved by Amy Murray

Dog - aged 12

Passed 18/10/2023

Zak the Dog

Zak - Loved by Jordan Brown

Dog - aged 13

Passed 03/10/2023

Mitzy the Cat

Mitzy - Loved by Samantha Lidster

Cat - aged 11

Passed 15/09/2023