Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Haratio the Cat

Haratio - Loved by Georgie M Graham

Cat - aged 10

Passed 22/02/2016

Toffee the Cat

Toffee - Loved by Georgie M Graham

Cat - aged 10

Passed 18/05/2023

Mischa Lafferty the Dog

Mischa Lafferty - Loved by Caroline Lafferty

Dog - aged 13

Passed 10/05/2023

Missy the Dog

Missy - Loved by Alan Chicken

Dog - aged 14

Passed 22/05/2023

Jack the Cat

Jack - Loved by Sue McKinley

Cat - aged 16

Passed 22/05/2023

Fizz the Dog

Fizz - Loved by Eilish J Evans

Dog - aged 16

Passed 07/04/2023

Tilly the Dog

Tilly - Loved by Susan Devine

Dog - aged 8

Passed 04/05/2023

Goldie the Rabbit

Goldie - Loved by Kelly Ann Gibson

Rabbit - aged 13

Passed 16/04/2007

Zeus the Dog

Zeus - Loved by Kelly Ann Gibson

Dog - aged 4

Passed 19/10/2020

Tess the Dog

Tess - Loved by Kelly Ann Gibson

Dog - aged 11

Passed 19/01/2016

Sophie the Cat

Sophie - Loved by Kelly Ann Gibson

Cat - aged 16

Passed 11/05/2023

Bailey the Dog

Bailey - Loved by Iain A Montgomery

Dog - aged 13

Passed 09/03/2023