Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Pip Watt the Dog

Pip Watt - Loved by Alison J Watt

Dog - aged 10

Passed 11/08/2022

Rosie the Dog

Rosie - Loved by Glenville james Turnbull

Dog - aged 11

Passed 09/10/2023

Popsey Johnson Cooper the Dog

Popsey Johnson Cooper - Loved by Clive Johnson-cooper

Dog - aged 11

Passed 22/09/2023

Spice the Hamster

Spice - Loved by Iyanna-Leigh Spence

Hamster - aged 1

Passed 05/10/2023

Lola the Dog

Lola - Loved by Marilyn Kelsey

Dog - aged 8

Passed 29/09/2023

Hershey the Cat

Hershey - Loved by Mark Nicholson

Cat - aged 7

Passed 05/09/2023

Hettie the Dog

Hettie - Loved by Kirsten Scothon

Dog - aged 10

Passed 20/09/2023

Ernie loved by his whole family the Dog

Ernie loved by his whole family - Loved by Glenda Reilly

Dog - aged 12

Passed 20/09/2023

Murphy the Dog

Murphy - Loved by Fiona Stroud

Dog - aged 14

Passed 13/09/2023

Angus the Dog

Angus - Loved by Susanne E Webb

Dog - aged 6

Passed 30/08/2023

Nero the Dog

Nero - Loved by Jolene Ferguson

Dog - aged 12

Passed 30/08/2023

Barney the Dog

Barney - Loved by Jo Walker

Dog - aged 15

Passed 24/08/2023