Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Peggy the Dog

Peggy - Loved by Lynn Cuthbertson

Dog - aged 6

Passed 22/12/2023

Rufus the Dog

Rufus - Loved by graeme stevenson

Dog - aged 12

Passed 06/12/2023

BeauBentley the Dog

BeauBentley - Loved by Ursula D Hynes

Dog - aged 5

Passed 21/11/2023

Honey the Dog

Honey - Loved by Amanda Oldham

Dog - aged 6

Passed 24/10/2023

Bonnie the Dog

Bonnie - Loved by Leo Benjamin

Dog - aged 11

Passed 01/12/2023

Mia the Dog

Mia - Loved by Gareth Smith

Dog - aged 2

Passed 13/10/2014

Dusty the Dog

Dusty - Loved by Gerry Ward

Dog - aged 15

Passed 20/11/2023

Floyd Dunn the Cat

Floyd Dunn - Loved by Alexis Dunn

Cat - aged 3

Passed 17/11/2023

Lucy the Dog

Lucy - Loved by Isabel Gaffney

Dog - aged 17

Passed 06/11/2023

Ozzi the Dog

Ozzi - Loved by Janice Turnbull

Dog - aged 18

Passed 11/11/2023

Coby the Dog

Coby - Loved by Lauren Lang

Dog - aged 1

Passed 03/11/2023

Pogue the Dog

Pogue - Loved by Beth Wolland

Dog - aged 11

Passed 30/10/2023